Fortbildung für Feldenkrais-Lehrer*innen

Functional Improvement of the Head, Neck, Shoulder Girdle and the Hands and Thorax

mit Yeudit Silver

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Under the Oak

This master class comprises a series of FI lessons designed by Yehudit Silver, inspired by and in memory of Prof. Alon Talmi, whose name Alon means “oak” in Hebrew.

Prof. Talmi compiled twenty structured FI lessons. Each lesson is constructed around a central functional theme, which is explored in different positions while adhering to the physical principles that characterize the Feldenkrais Method.

After completing her training, Yehudit spent ten years at Prof. Talmi’s side, absorbing his practical approach to the Feldenkrais Method. With his consent, she began teaching his lessons to fellow practitioners. The master class will be held on four inspiring, intensive days: each lesson is structured as a tree; the trunk of the tree is the lesson as designed by Prof. Talmi, and the branches offer a broad spectrum of options and possibilities.

In the intimate atmosphere of a small group, we follow the lessons’ development and pay attention to the finest details.

This master class is suitable for Feldenkrais practitioners who are interested in refining their practical FI skills and teaching an FI lesson that accurately and elegantly addresses the individual needs of the student.

Functional Improvement of the Head, Neck, Shoulder Girdle and the Hands and Thorax

In this course the thorax, the head and neck, the shoulder, the elbow and the hand will play the leading role. We’ll be looking at FI lessons to address connections and also complex pathological conditions of the upper half of the body.

We will be learning 4 advanced lessons by Prof. Alon Talmi:

  1. An FI with the head outside of the table to improve your breathing, your chest flexibility, the mobility of your neck and your balance.
  2. An FI in lying on the side, flexing the rib cage and releasing the shoulder blades.
  3. A palm lesson that is particularly effective for people with inflammations in the fingers or wrist, with tennis elbow and shoulder inflammations.
  4. A lesson for the lower jaw and the tongue that improves the opening of the mouth and helps people with the pain in the mandibular joint.