Fortbildung für Feldenkrais-Lehrer*innen

2018 Instituto Feldenkrais Conference in Madrid


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On behalf of the Instituto Feldenkrais I am delighted to invite you to join us at the 2018 Instituto Feldenkrais Conference in Madrid.

With this new event that will take place every 2 years (each time in a different city) we want to bring together as many of the almost 300 students and graduates of our institute as we can. The conference will be a place to get to know colleagues and students from other trainings than your own, a place to network and a place to learn from each other. Some of our best trainers will be present and teach ATM and FI arround a specific topic and there will be time in the evening to go out in small groups.

The topic of the 2018 Instituto Feldenkrais conference will be: Working with asymmetric back pain in ATM and FI

We’d be thrilled to see you! If you are planning to come please be so kind to register until 12 March 2018. Thank you!

With warmest regards,

Patricio Simon,
Administrative Director of the Instituto Feldenkrais


Please note: This event can only and exclusively be attended by students and graduates of Instituto Feldenkrais.


Conference Schedule

Friday, May 25, 2018

19:00 – 22:00

Welcome and get together

We will meet in a bar in Madrid’s city center. The location will be announced in March/ April.


Saturday, May 26, 2018

10:00 – 11:00

ATM in the big group taught by Mara, Paul and Thomas


11:30 – 14:00

Functional Integration – Session 1

Group A will be taught by Mara Fusero

Group B will be taught by Paul Newton

Group C will be taught by Thomas Farnbacher


15:30 – 18:30

Functional Integration – Session 2

Group A will be taught by Paul Newton

Group B will be taught by Thomas Farnbacher

Group C will be taught by Mara Fusero


Sunday, May 27, 2018

10:00 – 11:00

ATM in the big group taught by Mara, Paul and Thomas


11:30 – 14:30

Functional Integration – Session 3

Group A will be taught by Thomas Farnbacher

Group B will be taught by Mara Fusero

Group C will be taught by Paul Newton