Fortbildung für Feldenkrais-Lehrer*innen

Skeletal Support and Freedom of the Head

mit Julie Peck

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In this 4-day advanced training we will explore HOW the ability of our skeleton to support us in gravity allows our head to be free and more available to orient ourselves in any direction.

The freedom of our head is essential because it gives us the possibility to take in information through our teleceptors and to move our attention between our internal world and the external world we live in.

Through both ATM & FI we will examine:

  • What needs to be organized in our relationship to ground and gravity to allow our skeleton to more easily support us
  • The relevance of the relationship and position of our head and pelvis to being able to move/orient in different directions, and to expand our self image
  • How we can work with leading movement from the teleceptors to enable greater ease and freedom in our ability to respond and act within our environment

Come along and explore the possibilities of how this can allow us to have a more ‘concrete’ understanding of how this can influence our work, both for ourselves and our clients.