Ausbildung — Oktober 2024 bis April 2028

Paris International 1 (2024-2028)

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The Paris International 1 Feldenkrais Professional Training Program, organized by the association Centre de Formation Feldenkrais (CFF), will take place 2024-2028 in Paris. Classes will be taught in English with French translation.

The program is co-directed by Paul Newton and Anne Candardjis, combining precision and creativity. The team of trainers, with no less than seven top names from all over the world, will work in harmony to bring the trainees up to the highest level of excellence.

In order to guarantee each trainee, the attention, space and support they need, the group will not exceed 25 trainees.

The training is organized in 5-, 10-, 15- and 20-day intensive segments. Between segments, the trainees get homework to do, topics and themes to think about and discuss. Study groups between trainees and more widely with other Feldenkrais practitioners will encourage sharing. It will enlarge their understanding of the Feldenkrais Method and make them feel actors in the Feldenkrais community.

The specificity of our training program lies in the constant connection between Functional Integration and Awareness Through Movement classes, a back-and-forth movement between individual and group learning. From the very first training day, a close attention is brought to the quality of the touch and the understanding of the functional structure. Gradually, with our program based on Moshe’s work, the trainees will develop their own creativity.

Located in a popular lively district, five-minute walk from the public transportation, the training offers the opportunity to learn efficiently with pleasure.

Special benefits of our training programs

In this training program, as in all our training programs, we offer the following benefits:

  • Attend Online Segments In-Person for Free: Revisit online segments in person at no extra cost; pay once, attend twice.
  • All segments of this training program are offered in both English and French. We embrace the diversity of our international training groups and strive to make it accessible for students from various cultural backgrounds to join our programs.
  • Comprehensive Audio Recording Included: Your training program includes a full audio recording to enrich your learning experience.
  • Video Recordings: You can get access to the video recordings of all hands-on training sessions.
  • Missed training days or segments can be easily made up in our sister trainings in Barcelona, Madrid, Lisbon, Stockholm, Milan, or in the next Paris program starting in 2026.
  • Upon completing two of the four training years you can earn the „Teacher-In-Training Certificate”. This certificate entitles you to teach ATM classes to the public, promote your work, and share your expertise.
  • In our educational programs, you’ll start learning Functional Integration (FI) from the beginning, setting you on the path to becoming an expert in this hands-on practice.



Training years are divided into four segments: February, April, July, and October. Each training day offers five hours of teaching to ensure optimal learning.

Diese Veranstaltung wird ausgerichtet und angeboten von

Association Centre de Formation Feldenkrais, Paris Frankreich

Instituto Feldenkrais España, S.L.U. tritt lediglich als Vermittler auf.


Nächstes Segment

Segment 1
Einzelheiten zum Segment anzeigen



MJC Les Hauts de Belleville
45 Rue du Borrégo
75020 Paris



120,00 € / Tag

Even if you apply for outside funding (OPCO, Pôle emploi…), the price remains the same. // Online days can be repeated in-person for free in any of our other training programs.



English with French translation

Termine und Trainer

Termine und Zeitpläne können sich ändern. Solltest du einmal einen Tag oder ein Segment nicht besuchen können, kannst du es zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt nachholen.

Erstes Jahr — 2024 bis 2025

Segment 1

22.10. – 01.11.2024 (10 Tage) Paul Newton

Segment 2

18.02. – 28.02.2025 (10 Tage) Dr. Larry Goldfarb

Segment 3

15.04. – 19.04.2025 (5 Tage) Anne Candardjis

Segment 4

19.07. – 04.08.2025 (15 Tage) Paul Newton

Zweites Jahr — 2025 bis 2026

Segment 5

21.10. – 31.10.2025 (10 Tage) Julie Peck

Segment 6

24.02. – 06.03.2026 (10 Tage) Mara Fusero

Segment 7

21.04. – 01.05.2026 (10 Tage) Dr. Larry Goldfarb

Segment 8

18.08. – 28.08.2026 (10 Tage) Anne Candardjis

Drittes Jahr — 2026 bis 2027

Segment 09

20.10. – 30.10.2026 (10 Tage) Monika Praxmarer

Segment 10

23.02. – 05.03.2027 (10 Tage) Anne Candardjis

Segment 11

20.04. – 30.04.2027 (10 Tage) Mara Fusero, Anne Candardjis

Segment 12.1

02.08. – 13.08.2027 (10 Tage) Paul Newton

Viertes Jahr — 2027 bis 2028

Segment 12.2

16.08. – 27.08.2027 (10 Tage) Paul Newton

Segment 13

19.10. – 29.10.2027 (10 Tage) Patrick Gruner

Segment 14

15.02. – 25.02.2028 (10 Tage) Anne Candardjis

Segment 15

11.04. – 21.04.2028 (10 Tage) Paul Newton, Anne Candardjis

Ergänzende Informationen

Teilnahme an einer Ausbildung, die bereits begonnen hat

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