Ausbildung — Dezember 2023 bis Oktober 2027

Lisbon 3

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Lisbon, Europe’s sunniest capital with 239 sunny days annually, boasts a Mediterranean climate, unique light, white cobblestones, and iconic yellow trams. This cosmopolitan city, steeped in history and traditions, offers Fado music, UNESCO sites like Sintra and Cascais within 30 minutes, and a vibrant cultural scene with concerts and festivals. Located on the Tagus river and the sea, Lisbon provides opportunities for water sports and year-round outdoor activities like jogging, hiking, and golf. The rugged Atlantic coast is a 35-minute drive for those seeking peaceful or adventurous escapes.

Lisbon is the perfect option for combining Feldenkrais with culture, nature and sports activities, experiencing a degree of freedom that is difficult to match elsewhere.

The training program

Our training program draws participants from diverse countries, with instruction conducted in English by the renowned educational director, Paul Newton and his team. Paul is globally recognized for his accessible teaching style, characterized by clarity and openness, offering unwavering support to all learners.

The first training year consists of four segments, while the following three years comprise three segments each. Conveniently, the first segment of the program and the February segments will be held online via Zoom. We also provide study groups and online meetings between main training segments and missed training segments or days can easily be made up for in one of our other training programs.

Special benefits of our training programs

In this training program, as in all our training programs, we offer the following benefits:

  • Attend Online Segments In-Person for Free: Revisit online segments in person at no extra cost; pay once, attend twice.
  • Missed training days or segments can be easily made up in our trainings in Madrid, Barcelona or Stockholm, in our sister trainings in Paris or Milan, or in the next Lisbon program starting in 2027.
  • Comprehensive Audio Recording Included: Your training program includes a full audio recording to enrich your learning experience.
  • Video Recordings: You can get access to the video recordings of all hands-on training sessions.
  • Upon completing two of the four training years you can earn the „Teacher-In-Training Certificate”. This certificate entitles you to teach ATM classes to the public, promote your work, and share your expertise.
  • In our educational programs, you’ll start learning Functional Integration (FI) from the beginning, setting you on the path to becoming an expert in this hands-on practice.


The first training year is divided into 4 segments. Years 2, 3 and 4 of the program have 3 segments per year. One segment in spring, a long summer segment and another segment in autum.

Diese Veranstaltung wird ausgerichtet und angeboten von

Instituto Feldenkrais España, S.L.U.


Nächstes Segment

Segment 3
Einzelheiten zum Segment anzeigen



90,00 € / Tag (erstes und zweites Jahr), 95,00 € / Tag (drittes und viertes Jahr).

Our online segments can be repeated a second time in-person with another group later. AT NO EXTRA COST. You pay once and attend twice. See more info in our FAQ.




Termine und Trainer

Termine und Zeitpläne können sich ändern. Solltest du einmal einen Tag oder ein Segment nicht besuchen können, kannst du es zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt nachholen.

Erstes Jahr — 2023 bis 2024

Segment 1 Online (8 Tage) Paul Newton

Segment 2 Online (10 Tage) Marilupe Campero, Paul Newton

Segment 3

18.08. – 29.08.2024 (10 Tage) Anne Candardjis

Segment 4

05.11. – 18.11.2024 (12 Tage) Paul Newton

Segment 1 Online Späteinstieg (7 Tage) Paul Newton

Zweites Jahr — 2025

Segment 5 Online (10 Tage) Julie Peck

Segment 6

01.08. – 24.08.2025 (20 Tage) Anne Candardjis, Christoph Habegger

Segment 7

08.10. – 19.10.2025 (10 Tage) Paul Newton

Drittes Jahr — 2026

Segment 8 Online (10 Tage) Paul Newton

Segment 9

01.08. – 26.08.2026 (20 Tage) Paul Newton, Thomas Farnbacher

Segment 10

14.10. – 25.10.2026 (10 Tage) Paul Newton

Viertes Jahr — 2027

Segment 11 Online (10 Tage) Paul Newton

Segment 12

31.07. – 23.08.2027 (20 Tage)

Segment 13

13.10. – 24.10.2027 (10 Tage) Paul Newton
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Ergänzende Informationen

Teilnahme an einer Ausbildung, die bereits begonnen hat

Die Kurse sind so gestaltet, dass eine Anmeldung während des gesamten ersten Ausbildungsjahres möglich ist. Verpasste Tage können dann in nachfolgenden Ausbildungen nachgeholt werden.


Du kannst verpasste Tage in einer anderen Ausbildung nachholen. Für genauere Einzelheiten kontaktiere deinen Organisator, der dir dabei helfen wird, einen persönlichen Nachholplan zusammenzustellen. Für weitere Informationen lies bitte auch die FAQ.